As a member..
You may be interested in becoming well-informed and active in what is happening at your electric cooperative. Mor-Gran-Sou is governed by rules set by our members.
You are welcome to attend the Annual Membership Meeting held each July. During this process, as your vote either by mail-in-ballot or in-person, you are allowed the opportunity to voice your opinion as you cast your ballot for your representation on the Mor-Gran-Sou Board of Directors, as well as possible bylaw changes that are brought forward by the membership. One member, one vote.
Mor-Gran-Sou is a private non-profit entity – the money that is made after our bills are paid goes back to you, the member, in the form of capital credits.
You have the opportunity to speak up for the Cooperative on legislative matter affecting Mor-Gran-Sou. It’s that grassroots effort that makes us strong.