By placing the electric heat on a separate meter, a 55 percent savings from the regular rate is received. Members receive the electric heat rate of 6.0¢/kWh on heat from October 1 to April 30. Electric heat, premise heat only, is eligible for the program. A monthly base fee of $5.00 - GS1A/GS1B, $15.00 - GS2A, and $50.00 - GS3A will be charged each month.
The member is responsible for having all wiring including the sub-meter socket installed by a licensed electrician. A wiring certificate is required before the sub-meter is installed where applicable. The sub-meter is to be installed at an outside location readily accessible to Cooperative personnel. Mor-Gran-Sou has a standard for allowing CT metering for electric heat. Please call Mor-Gran-Sou for details.
The heat rate is contingent on Basin Electric Power Cooperative continuing the electric heat incentive. Electric heat is not currently controlled, but control may be required in the future if Basin Electric Power Cooperative initiates a load management program.