- Line Extension - is the extension and/or the addition of a Mor-Gran-Sou existing distribution power line for the purpose of electric service.
- Contribution-in-Aid-of-Construction (CIAC) - is an up-front payment for the cost associated with the line extension.
- Alternate Energy Source - is an energy source that is or would be installed to provide energy to operate a service site in lieu of a Mor-Gran-Sou power line or back up service. Examples of these would include, but not be limited to, Photo Voltaic, Internal Combustion Generator or Wind.
- To provide standard service for line extensions to single-phase, three-wire, 120/240; three-phase, four-wire, 120/208 "Wye"; three-phase, four-wire, 277/480 "Wye".
- The Cooperative will prepare an estimate for extending its lines upon request of the member or prospective member. Actual costs associated with return trips for estimating purposes or charges in the line extension that are requested by the member or prospective member will be billed.
- All easements and permit costs associated with the line extension will be the responsibility of the member or prospective member.
- Construction will not begin until all payments are made, easement, permits and other associated documents are in order and secured by the Cooperative.
- The Cooperative will construct either overhead (OH) or underground (URD) line extension, whichever would be the most economical and practical option available.
- Prior to any newly constructed service being energized, the member or prospective member shall provide a wiring certificate to the Cooperative as written proof that applicable State Electrical Inspection requirements have been met.
- Future construction costs may be guaranteed and locked-in for a maximum of twelve (12) months. This may only be done by member or prospective members paying 100% of current construction estimate costs within thirty (30) days. All changes or modifications to the original line design will be billed at the rate then currently in effect.
- Line Extension All - The following procedures apply to all line extensions to single phase permanent residences, permanent commercial and multi-phase permanent commercial services, located within the service area of Mor-Gran-Sou's distribution facilities. These costs and procedures may be changed or adjusted without notice.
- Frost Charges - Mor-Gran-Sou will assess an additional $10 per line-foot charge to any new service construction, dependent on conditions and at the Cooperative's discretion, for line constructed between November 1 and April 1.
- Temporary or Construction Service - Temporary service is electric service to any project or enterprise where the use of electricity is known to be of a short duration by its nature. Examples include, but are not limited to, construction sites, fairs, circuses, mining/gravel pits and fireworks stands. These types of services will require a prepayment of construction and retirement costs, as determined by the Cooperative. Temporary construction services done as part of and in conjunction with new permanent residential or new permanent multi-phase services (not to exceed 100 kva, single- phase) are excluded. In all cases the temporary meter/service panel will be provided by the member or prospective member.
- Meter Sockets - The Cooperative will provide a meter socket as part of a 200 amp meter loop for a new overhead secondary service terminating on the Cooperative transformer or yard pole or a new underground service terminating on a Cooperative provided 6x6 wooden post. The Cooperative will not install a larger meter loop merely to accommodate additional consumer secondary wiring.
- The Cooperative will not provide a meter socket for any service terminating on a building or house. The Cooperative will provide secondary conductors to the point of delivery only.
- The Cooperative may provide a meter socket for current-transformer metered services where CT's are installed at the power transformer and the socket is mounted adjacent to the transformer.
- The Cooperative will not provide meter pedestals for mobile homes.
- The Cooperative will not cost-share double-throw disconnect switches for seasonal or occasional use accounts.
- The Cooperative will cover any costs beyond $1,250 for double-throw disconnect switches installed on single-phase permanent services.
- All meter locations must be agreed upon by representatives of the member and the Cooperative, subject to final approval by the Cooperative.
- The Cooperative requires that the member supply and install a current transformer cabinet on all services of 400 amp and larger. The cabinet is to be directly adjacent to the service transformer or such other location as approved by the Cooperative.
- Ownership of Facilities - Mor-Gran-Sou shall retain ownership of all materials and facilities installed by the Cooperative for the distribution of electric energy whether or not consumer/member has made a contribution-in-aid of-construction or other financial commitment. All lines and facilities constructed or installed by the Cooperative are and shall remain the property of the Cooperative.
- Special Facilities and Nonstandard Service Voltages - Where a member or prospective member requests service that will require the Cooperative to invest in plant that is considered by the Cooperative to be of a specialized nature and not a standard Cooperative construction design or service voltage, the member must pay the total cost or a portion thereof of the plant investment determined by the Cooperative to be special in design.
- Special facilities also include transmission and/or distribution plant extensions for a single large commercial or industrial account. The Cooperative will require assurances of financial performance of the account to ensure that the plant investment and wholesale power supply obligations for that account are met. The form of assurance may be unique for each account and will be handled on a case by case basis.
- For special facilities constructed to accounts having a peak demand greater than 1,000 kW, the Cooperative has the option of designing a customized rate that will assure recovery of investment and power supply obligations. The Cooperative reserves the right to determine whether the proposal to serve such an account is based on the Cooperative's existing wholesale power rate or is based on wholesale market conditions. In the latter case, any such proposal will be developed jointly with the wholesale power supplier and will be presented to Mor-Gran-Sou's Board of Directors for final approval.
- Line Extension Outside Incorporated City Limits - The following costs and procedures apply to line extensions, outside the corporate city limits, to single phase permanent residences, permanent commercial and multi-phase permanent commercial services, located within the service area of Mor-Gran-Sou's distribution facilities. These costs and procedures may be changed or adjusted without notice.
- Single-phase permanent residence extension - Transformer and / or meter socket installed on existing Mor-Gran-Sou power line, either Overhead (OH) or Underground (URD), $750 minimum and all footage beyond existing line will be $9 per line-foot. This also applies to rural subdivision backbone installations. An additional $2 per line-foot will be assessed to convert from overhead to underground at the consumer's request. To install a residential service, Mor-Gran-Sou requires two of the following three items to be in place: foundation; water source (well or rural water); or a copy of a builder's contract or loan document from the lender. Any payment above actual costs will be refunded. Minimum monthly billing will commence within 30 days of work order construction completion.
- Multi-phase permanent line extension - Transformer and meter socket installed on an existing Mor-Gran-Sou power line, either overhead or underground, $1,500 minimum and all footage beyond existing line will be $15 per line-foot. Any payment above actual costs will be refunded. Minimum monthly billing will commence within 30 days of work order construction completion.
- Single-phase seasonal, occasional use, or any other minimal use account (pasture wells, cabins, storage buildings, etc.) - Actual cost. Transformer and meter installed on existing Mor-Gran-Sou power line, either overhead or underground, $1,000 minimum and all footage beyond existing line will require a prepayment of $10 per line-foot. Any payment above actual costs will be refunded. Any payment shortage will be billed upon work order closing. Minimum monthly billing will commence within 30 days of work order construction completion.
- Multi-phase seasonal or occasional use - Actual cost. Transformers and meter installed on existing Mor-Gran-Sou power line will require a minimum prepayment of $4,000. All footage beyond existing line will require a prepayment of $24 per line-foot. Any payment above actual cost will be refunded. Any payment shortage will be billed upon work order closing. Minimum monthly billing will commence within 30 days of work order construction completion.
- Alternate Energy Source - Alternate energy source will be at the sole discretion of the Cooperative in lieu of installing new or replacing existing power line to minimum use accounts. The Cooperative will determine minimum use accounts. Mor-Gran-Sou will offer low interest loans to members who purchase alternate energy source systems.
- Line Extension to Subdivision Development - The following costs and procedures apply to line extensions to subdivision developments to limit the financial burden on the present membership of the Cooperative that may be caused by the speculative nature of rural subdivisions and developments. Any person, persons or other entity who subdivides land into two or more tracts for the purpose of offering one or more of them for sale or lease shall be considered a developer. The Cooperative will install a primary electric distribution back bone system in platted additions, development areas or subdivisions (outside corporate city limits) if:
- The developer pays a charge equal to 100% of the estimated cost of construction, in advance.
- Additional payment may be needed as a contribution-in-aid-of-construction for upgrade of other facilities to allow adequate service to the development, depending on location. To be determined by the Cooperative.
- Multiple utility coordination (electric, telephone, CATV, water, sewer or other), in advance, will be the responsibility of the developer prior to beginning any construction activities.
- The developer will provide the Cooperative with a properly surveyed and recorded plat drawing of the subdivision or development in a reproducible electronic format.
- The subdivision development will yield permanent customers to the Cooperative.
- The subdivision development has been approved by the appropriate governmental authority and properly recorded.
- The subdivision is not unduly speculative and will be developed in a systematic and timely manner as determined solely by the Cooperative.
- The developer allows the Cooperative the option of installing the electrical system in the front or rear of lots, plats, acreages or sites in the subdivision development as determined by the Cooperative.
- The developer has provided, at no cost to the Cooperative, all necessary and acceptable right-of-way/easements, whether platted or otherwise.
- These procedures may be changed or adjusted at any time.